Hello and welcome to Windermere’s construction update for 2022.
The Windermere team are back in the office this year as the road ahead looks more and more like some semblance of normalcy.
Windermere continues to adhere to strict compliance policies implemented to protect our community, staff and colleagues. The team are available by appointment so please call us on 1300 008 555, or head to our home page to chat with the team between 11 am and 5 pm daily. Here’s an easy link to chat via our chat forum here.
Our construction teams are on site and working hard to bring you the best land in the west. May we present to you, the latest updates at Windermere, Mambourin.
Stages 11 and 12
Construction works are almost completed in stages eleven and twelve. Works remaining include, a small portion of electrical & telecommunication works in Stage 12, concrete paving, the final layer of road base and importation of top soil to place on the lots.
Over the next several weeks, the project team will finalise construction works, undertake asset recording and obtain the required government approval, prior to lodgement of titles for registration.
Titles are currently forecasted in April 2022.
Ison Road and Intersections
Windermere is currently constructing over a kilometre of Ison Road. When completed this will include two intersections (Ison and Plane) and link the existing subdivision to stages eleven, twelve, fifteen and sixteen.
Construction works are primarily completed with only a small portion of concrete paving left to occur. The final layer of road works, topsoiling of landscape areas and road line marking.
Works are forecast to be completed this month, with the road opening to the public in March/April 2022.
Feature Fencing
Feature fencing is to commence in stages nine and ten. Works are forecasted to be completed by the end of next month.
Landscaping: Greens Road, Stages 1 – 7 Wetland
Landscaping works are completed, and the wetlands are filling out nicely. The landscape contractor will now maintain the landscaping for two years, replacing any damage or dead plants, prior to handing responsibility to Wyndham City Council.
Landscaping Waterway Section 2
Landscaping works for section two of the waterway (abutting stage nine) are scheduled to commence in April 2022, once civil works are completed on the adjoining areas (stage eleven, twelve, and Ison Road).
The landscaping contractor has engaged a nursery to contract grow Windermere’s plants, which can take up to 6 months to mature prior to planting them in our estate. These works are scheduled to be completed by Q3 2022.
Civil construction package, stages 17 to 21
- If you’ve been following along our construction updates, you may remember that we noted last year that Risland was undertaking a tender process for a major civil construction package. Rokon has been awarded as the prime contractor. The package includes stages seventeen to twenty-one.
Stages 17 and 18
- Initial construction works have commenced in Stages seventeen and eighteen, with earthworks being completed.
- Currently the contractor is focusing on completing sewer and drainage works over the next few months, prior to commence road works.
- Titles are forecasted to be registered later this year in Q4 2022.
Stages 19 to 21
- Initial construction works have commenced in stages nineteen to twenty-one, with earthworks being completed.
- There is currently a minor delay with bringing additional sewer crews to site, due to increased industry-wide demand.
- Given the larger size of each stage (over a hundred lots), they will take some additional time to construct.
- Titles are forecasted to be registered early next year.
Landscape Construction Package 2
- Risland has commenced the preparation of our second landscaping tender.
- The landscaping tender will be issued to landscape contractors in the coming months.
- These works are forecasted to commence mid next year!
Thank you for taking the time to follow along on our journey with us, as we build the Windermere estate from the ground up!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team on 1300 008 555.

Register your details with the sales team over the coming two months and have a chance to WIN a weekend away at the luxurious Jackalope Hotels!!
Here’s a little taste of your experience during your weekend stay in the Mornington Peninsula
Escape Reality Package
Enjoy two nights at Jackalope packaged with dinner in @_dootdootdoot and a host of complimentary inclusions designed for a decadent stay.
- Two-nights luxury accommodation Dinner for two in Doot Doot Doot
- $100 credit towards dining in Rare Hare
- Complimentary daily breakfast served in Doot Doot Doot
- Complimentary minibar Complimentary on-demand movies and bottomless popcorn
- Complimentary Classic Wine Tasting at the cellar door
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- Welcome floral display
- Welcome spa treatment
Exchange your contract in March or April, and register your details with the sales team.